A playbook for a successful developer community operations team

Shared lessons learned from years of hands-on experience in community building, including:

  • Defining “Community Operations”: Demystifying the role and establishing its significance within an organization.The core building blocks of a Community Operations team.
  • The power of data-informed decision-making for community strategy.
  • The Metrics That Matter: Identifying KPIs that go beyond vanity metrics to justify the existence, and impact, of a community program.
  • Actionable steps to build a high-performing Community Operations team

(DevRelCon London 2023Slides)

A Playbook for a Successful Community Operations Team

When a community program grows, it moves from a one-person band role, to a team of people, to a team of teams. And Community Operations is often one of the first teams formed. When to start one, and how to scale it? What are its key responsibilities? It’s just about data, dashboards and automations, or is there something more? In this session, I shared my best learnings in leading a dev community operations team in Google, the most embarrassing failures and “the road head”.

(CMX Summit, Sept 2022)

Here are the slides, with lot of info in the speaker’s notes too.