Using AI Tools for Effortless Event Planning

Tired of juggling event details and missing out on creative inspiration? This session dives deep into the world of AI-powered tools for community managers, sharing practical strategies for optimizing the entire event planning process. We’ll delve into specific tools that can assist with argument selection, creative asset and marketing material creation, survey analysis, and attendee data insights, and much more.

(Google North America Community Summit 2024 – Repo with all the prompts)

The Community Commitment Curve to architect community engagement

“How to use the Community Commitment Curve to architect community engagement” is a comprehensive session aimed at helping individuals and organizations create and sustain vibrant developer marketing communities.

The session will provide insights into the concept of the Community Commitment Curve, a strategic framework designed to map and optimize community engagement.

(Developer Marketing Alliance webinar, 11 Oct 2023)

A playbook for a successful developer community operations team

Shared lessons learned from years of hands-on experience in community building, including:

  • Defining “Community Operations”: Demystifying the role and establishing its significance within an organization.The core building blocks of a Community Operations team.
  • The power of data-informed decision-making for community strategy.
  • The Metrics That Matter: Identifying KPIs that go beyond vanity metrics to justify the existence, and impact, of a community program.
  • Actionable steps to build a high-performing Community Operations team

(DevRelCon London 2023Slides)

Leadership Lessons From A Team of Community Builders

Good managers are made, not born. It makes no difference for a team of community builders, with added complexities such as remote working, high burnout risk, unclear career path, etc. I’ll share my stories covering topics like hiring, setting a vision, building and tracking metrics, managing a remote team, keeping work-life in harmony, scaling, etc – while working in the context of a community team.

(Community Rebellion Conference, June 2023)

Slides, with a lot of speaker’s notes

Scaling communities through chapters

Alfredo Morresi and Van Riper have over a decade of experience at Google in developer relationship and community management. They will talk about their experiences in the context of the Google Developer Groups, a meta community program born in 2009 that has grown to 1,000+ chapters across 140 countries.

They discuss how to build a program at that scale with benefits for the company, benefits for the developer community, and benefits for the world.

(link to the video and transcript)

A Playbook for a Successful Community Operations Team

When a community program grows, it moves from a one-person band role, to a team of people, to a team of teams. And Community Operations is often one of the first teams formed. When to start one, and how to scale it? What are its key responsibilities? It’s just about data, dashboards and automations, or is there something more? In this session, I shared my best learnings in leading a dev community operations team in Google, the most embarrassing failures and “the road head”.

(CMX Summit, Sept 2022)

Here are the slides, with lot of info in the speaker’s notes too.