Environmental variables, API key and secret, BuildConfig and Android Studio

You wanna create an Android app that uses Twittet APIs, so yo need an API key and an API secrets only you and your apps know. Because you need these values inside you app, it’s easy and quick to write them down directly in your source code. But when you commit this code to GitHub (or any other public repo), practically you’re telling your secret keys to entire world. Seems uncommon? Unfortunately, not so much! Same for Dropbox SDK.

One simple way to avoid this bad practice is to store your values inside an environmental variable, so only your machine knows it, then read this values in some way and inject them in your code at build time.
Let’s see how to do that using Android Studio, Gradle, and BuildConfig.

First, we need to create these environmental vars. In Linux and Mac, create or edit the file ~/.gradle/gradle.properties (pay attention to the actual Gradle User Home directory position) and add some values:

#define your secret values

Second, in your module’s build.gradle file, add these lines

apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
//Add these lines
def TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = '"' + TwitterConsumerKeyProp + '"' ?: '"Define Twitter Consumer key"';def TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = '"' + TwitterConsumerSecretProp + '"' ?: '"Define Twitter Consumer secret"';
android.buildTypes.each { type ->

Please note the “TwitterConsumerKeyProp” and “TwitterConsumerSecretProp” have to be the same in both Gradle settings file and Gradle build file.
Finally, to use these values in your code, filled at runtime by Gradle in the build script for you, simply use:

ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder()
    .setOAuthConsumerKey(BuildConfig.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY)    .setOAuthConsumerSecret(BuildConfig.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET);

That’s all, then it’s up to you how to create more elaborated configurations. For example, you can have different values based on different android.buildTypes types, or the gradle settings file in a common network folder used by the entire team or…

Android e Google Cloud Platform getting start

In questo video, spiego come utilizzare il “Mobile Backend Starter” per realizzare in pochi minuti un’applicazione Android in grado di gestire una chat tra piu’ utenti, che si interfaccia con un backend hostato su Google Cloud Platform e che gestisce notifiche push e accesso autenticato alle API del backend.

(3 Febbraio 2013)